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- > Practical information about living in Hallstahammar as an asylum seeker
Practical information about living in Hallstahammar as an asylum seeker
Telefon: 0220-24000
E-post: kundcenter@hallstahammar.se
Besöksadress: Norra Prästgårdsgatan 1, Hallstahammar
Postadress: Hallstahammars kommun, 734 80 Hallstahammar
Öppettider i kundcenter
1 sept - 31 maj (vintertid)
Måndag-torsdag 08.00-16.30
Fredag 08.00-16.00
1 juni - 31 augusti (sommartid)
Måndag-torsdag 08.00-16.00
Fredag 08.00-15.00
Kundcenter har kvällsöppet för besök till klockan 20.00 vid kommunfullmäktiges sammanträden.
Observera att i anslutning till vissa helgdagar kan kundcenter stänga tidigare.
Welcome to Sweden and Hallstahammar! On this page you find useful information on where to turn with different questions during your first months in Sweden.
Hallstahammar is a municipality with 16,600 inhabitants. Hallstahammar is located approximately 130 kilometers west of Sweden's capital Stockholm.
You who have applied for asylum (either via the normal asylum process or via the Mass Refugee Directive) can get help from the Swedish Migration Agency with accommodation. You can also choose to arrange the accommodation yourself. If you choose to arrange your accommodation on your own, you will have to pay the rent yourself. Remember to notify the Swedish Migration Agency of your address if you arrange your accommodation on your own.
- Read more about how housing works on the Swedish Migration Agency's website (for those of you who come from Ukraine and have applied via the EU Temporary Protection Directive)
- Read more about how housing works on the Swedish Migration Agency's website (for those of you who have applied via the usual asylum process)
In the first place, you should support yourself and your family. If you do not have any money of your own, you can apply for financial support from the Swedish Migration Agency. The money will be enough for food, clothes and personal expenses.
- Read more about what financial support you can get, and how to apply for support, on the Swedish Migration Agency's website (for those of you who come from Ukraine and applied via the EU Temporary Protection Directive)
- Read more about what financial support you can get, and how to apply for support, on the Swedish Migration Agency's website (for those of you who applied through the regular asylum process)
In the first place, you should support yourself and your family. You can do this either with the help of your own savings or by working. You who are 16 years or older have the right to work. You can turn to the Swedish Public Employment Service for help finding a job.
If you find a job and want to open a bank account, you need a so-called coordination number. You get it from the Swedish Tax Agency.
- More information for you who are from Ukraine and looking for work in Sweden on the Swedish Public Employment Service's website
- Information about working during the time as an asylum seeker, on the Swedish Migration Agency's website
- More information about coordination numbers on the Swedish Tax Agency's website
Call 1177 if you need to talk to a nurse. You can also get information on where to seek further help. The nurse will answer in Swedish but will be able to help you in English.
- Phone number: 1177 or +46 771‑11 77 00
Healthcare clinic (vårdcentral)
Contact a “vårdcentral” if you are ill or injured or need maternity care. The staff at the clinic can help you with most problems.
Interpreter: You can get help from an interpreter if you do not speak Swedish. Let the healthcare staff know when you make your appointment. The interpreter will either be in the room with you or interpret over the telephone.
Professional secrecy: It’s important to know that healthcare staff and interpreters have a professional secrecy obligation. They are not allowed to talk to other people about things you say unless you give them permission to do so.
- Hallstahammar-Kolbäck vårdcentral – website and map
Phone number: 021‑17 67 00
Address: Vegagatan 1, Hallstahammar
Pharmacies in Hallstahammar
- Apoteket Hjärtat – website and map
Address: Hammartorget 10, Hallstahammar - Emaus Apotek – website and map
Address: Vegaplan 1, Hallstahammar
If you are in immediate danger, call 112. The alarm operator will alert the rescue service, emergency services, police or ambulance.
If you feel that you need to talk to someone about your situation, you can contact the Church of Sweden in Hallstahammar. They have experience talking to people in crisis.
- Svenska kyrkan, Hallstahammar-Kolbäck församling – website
Phone number: +46 220 465 00
Address: Vallongatan 6, Hallstahammar
E-mail: hallstahammar-kolback@svenskakyrkan.se
- ICA Supermarket Matkassen – website and map
Address: Hammartorget, Hallstahammar - Matpiraten – website
Address: Hammartorget, Hallstahammar - Lidl – website
Address: Norra Hantverkaregatan 13, Hallstahammar - Hemköp – website and map
Address: Linnéatorget 4, Kolbäck
Children and young people who have received a residence permit or have applied for asylum have the right to child care and education in Sweden. The municipality is responsible for primary and secondary education.
Child care
In Sweden, children from the age of 1 can go to preschool when their parents are working, or looking for work. All children between the ages of 3 and 5 have the right to go to preschool, even if the parents do not work.
The school system in Sweden consists of three parts:
- Pre-school: Children between 3 and 5 years
- Primary school: Children between 6 and 16 years
- Upper secondary school: Young people who have graduated from primary school
There are also classes and schools for children and young people with special needs.
Apply for a place in preschool or school
Hallstahammar municipality has routines for how to apply for and get a place in preschool or in a suitable school class. Where your child is placed can depend on several different things, including how many children of the same age, and with the same language, that need a place.
Contact the municipality's customer center (Kundcenter), telephone number 0220‑240 00 if you want your child to start school, or if you need childcare when you apply for a job or go to work.
Open preschool
Both the municipality and the church arrange open preschool activities for children from newborn to about 6 years of age. At the open preschool, there are toys for both small and slightly older children and you as an adult can meet and talk to other adults while your child plays. An appreciated element is also the common moment when you sing together.
At the open preschool, the children always go together with at least one parent, you never leave the child alone at the open preschool.
- Read more about the municipality's open preschool here on the municipality's website (in Swedeish)
Call the Family Line (Familjelinjen), telephone number 0220‑241 15 if you want to know how to find the municipality's open preschool and when it is open. - Call the church's parish educator, telephone number 0220‑465 28 if you want to know how to get to the church's open preschool and when it is open.
All municipalities have public libraries. The library is a place where everyone can meet. At the library, you can use computers with an Internet connection, use wireless WiFi and read newspapers in different languages for free.
- Hallstahammars bibliotek (Hallstahammar Library) – website and map
Phone Number: +46 220 241 10
Address: Kulturhuset, Parkgatan 7, Hallstahanmmar - Kolbäcks bibliotek (Kolbäck Library) – website and map
Phone Number: +46 220 241 22
Address: Stationshuset, Stationsgatan 1, Kolbäck - Links to articles and material in the Ukrainian language on the website Bibliotek i Västmanland
There are plenty of public playgrounds and fields for football, tennis, basketball etc. The municipality can provide information about sports and cultural activities.
When you travel collectively in Hallstahammar municipality and the rest of Västmanland, you travel with VL.
The local public transport in Hallstahammar municipality is free of charge. (It's free for all travelers).
Bus number 120 takes you from Hallstahammar to Kolbäck and Strömsholm, and back again.
If you are traveling to Västerås or Köping from Hallstahammar or Kolbäck, you must buy and pay for your ticket.
- On VL's website you will find timetables, price and other traffic information about public transport
You can also download the app "VL" to your smartphone to buy tickets and get traffic information (available in English and Swedish)
The municipality of Västerås, called Västerås stad, has decided that persons fleeing the war in Ukraine should travel free of charge within Västerås municipality.
There is a train station in Hallstahammar and one in Kolbäck. From there you can travel by train to Västerås and on to Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and all major cities in Sweden.
There are rules for bringing animals into Sweden, among other things to prevent us from getting rabies or other infectious diseases. Right now, force majeure is an exception for pets who enter Sweden from Ukraine together with their owners.
It is very important that your animal (dog, cat or other pet) is checked when it comes to Sweden. Either the animal was checked by customs staff when you arrived at Sweden's border. If this is not done, you must take your animal to a veterinarian for a check-up as soon as possible. The Swedish Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket) cover the cost for this.
Veterinarians in Hallstahammar municipality
- Evidensia Specialistdjursjukhuset (animal hospital) – website with opening hours
Phone number: 0220‑458 00
Address: Djursjukhusvägen 11, Strömsholm - Hallstahammar Veterinärstation (Veterinary station) – website
Phone number: 0220‑140 30
Address: Västra Åvägen 1, Kolbäck
If you have any questions, please contact Jordbruksverket.
- Jordbruksverket – website (information in English)
Phone number: 0771-223 223
E-mail: petukraine@jordbruksverket.se
The Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket) is the central authority that considers applications from people who want to take up permanent residence in Sweden, visit, seek protection from persecution or get Swedish citizenship. The Migration Agency's assignment also includes offering asylum seekers somewhere to live and money for food.
- Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket) – website in english
Phone number: +46 771 235 235
Visiting Address in Västmanland: Kopparbergsvägen 4, Västerås
The municipality (kommunen) is the local authority closest to the inhabitants. The municipality is responsible for, for example, childcare and school as well as care for the elderly and people with disabilities. Much of the municipality's infrastructure, such as streets and parks, is also the municipality's responsibility.
- Hallstahammars kommun (Hallstahammar municipality)
Opening hours: Monday-Thursday from 08:00 to 16:30, Friday from 08:00 to 16:00
Phone number: +46 220 240 00
Visiting Address: Norra Prästgårdsgatan 1, Hallstahammar
E-mail: kundcenter@hallstahammar.se
- The County Council (Region Västmanland) is responsible for ensuring that you receive the health and medical care you need.
- Embassy of Ukraine – website
Phone number: +46 8 522 28 400 or +46 8 522 28 401
E-mail: emb_se@mfa.gov.ua
The Swedish Red Cross offers migration counselling for persons who have lost touch with relatives in Ukraine.
- Red Cross – website
Phone number: 020‑41 50 00 (Wednesdays 09.00-12.00)
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